Audit Universe Definition
One reason is that it can help to inform a companys risk management practices and strategic internal audit plan. An audit universe is the collective grouping of auditable components sometimes also called auditable areas units or entities that support the development of the internal audit plan and. Sale 15 38 99 Ipree 12 36x50s Monocular Telescope Hd Optic Zoom Lens Bird Watching High Definition View Eyepiece Telescope Spotting Scope Monocular The audit universe also determines the maximize of resource allocation to be consistent with the assigned audit engagements in order to achieve the result in the audit plan. . Audit universe is devised and reviewed at year-ends through meetings with the management of. The IAS and the IACs share a common definition of the audit universe and methodology for risk assessment. In the organizational structure will have an impact on the audit universe and also. It consists of several auditab...